Management consultancy

Today, the companies which have completed their structuring of human resources, make plans for the future either by preparing their own tools to address the problems of staffing, or by using performance management, career management, salary management and motivation tools which are human resources tools, and thus they are more confident about their future.Companies which have not yet completed their structuring of HR due to various reasons have problems in the transition period. During the transition period for the companies where the issue of the staff are considered as personnel affairs, DSG Human Resources establishes human resources departments or structures the existing departments with its consultancy services. During the process, after this structuring is completed, other human resources functions are implemented.

Creating process maps

  • Process information training
  • Creating process interaction charts with the participation of top management and process owners
  • Completing definition of processes
  • Creating process flow charts
  • Discussing process interactions with the participation of department manager and top management (clearing gray areas)
  • Creating the organizational chart and job definitions using process definitions
  • Announcing organizational chart and job definitions

Business analysis

  • Supporting planning of human resources by identifying future requirements for recruitment and the needs of these employees.
  • Creating clear and definite criteria for recruitment.
  • Identifying the current or prospective training requirements.
  • Specifying performance standards.
  • Ensuring a sound career planning.
  • Eliminating negative working conditions.
  • Accessing fundamental information to prove the relative importance of each task for business evaluation.
  • Providing necessary data for legal regulations of the business and workers.

Creating job definitions and titles

  • Specifying the purpose of work
  • Identifying required talents and responsibilities
  • Identifying the relationship of the task with other tasks
  • Clarifying working conditions for the employees.

Creating organizational chart

    Organizational chart is a visual illustration of the hierarchy in the company, demonstrating who is working under the supervision of who, starting from top management.

Organizations may be vertical or horizontal. This may vary according to the management principles of the relevant business. Therefore, it is an important tasks that has direct impact on long-term profitability of the business as long as it is designed correctly.